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Thyroid Removal Q & A

Today I want to share a question and answer from my facebook page. It was slightly edited for spelling only.  I think you can learn from this particular case as she had a thyroid removal and still has persistent symptoms.

Thyroid Removal Question:

QUESTION: I had my thyroid removed.  It was huge.  I was told three in my family had graves.  Can’t get the Dr to change me to brand name medication.  I know that’s why I am having head aches.  No thyroid removalone knows your body like you do yourself.  My nieces had thyroid cancer, mine wasn’t.  My thyroid was very large the Dr said there was a  1 in 4 chance it was cancer.  I was blessed.  I still have no energy.  I take 112mg.  I have a awful time with feet and hands getting numb.  My aunt’s thyroid is shrinking, but she has lost so much weight .  All three of us were found to have this problem about the same time. I have had my thyroid removed because it was so big and didn’t want more problems as I got older, but I can’t say it has helped that much ..Feel pretty terrible, no energy.

ANSWER:  Your situation is not at all uncommon. There is help. When people are told by their doctor that “we can just remove your thyroid and you will be fine” I think that is a big understatement. The fact is you may have removed the target of the immune system compromise, but have done nothing for what was causing the problem in the first place.

You Have to Find the Cause

For example, think about if you walked into your kitchen and found water everywhere on the floor.  You would clean it up right?  What else would be wise to do?  Next, you would probably start searching where the water came from.  Maybe it was your dishwasher, or perhaps the kids left the water running, etc….you get what I mean.  There has to be a CAUSE to the situation.   You can not ignore that fact and expect to attain long term results.

This situation should not be ignored. I have personally witnessed thousands of people get their energy back and start living life with zest. People with a thyroid removal who were told nothing more can be done.  If you want some help, check our our free 1st step quiz that will help you gain some valuable knowledge into your personal health challenge. Its a great way to start.