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Reclaim your Health, your Life, and your Body NOW...start by calling: 716-773-4707

Our Mission:

To help you reclaim your health, your life, and your body.

We've found that more and more people are becoming frustrated with the limitations of traditional medicine. Not only do they have very limited care—often dictated by insurance providers or pharmaceutical companies—but the practitioners can’t spend the necessary time with their patients who have complex symptoms. This limits patients from getting better faster and getting the best possible solutions that are unique to them. Health Solutions Plus is quickly becoming known for eliminating the "cookie cutter" approach to healthcare.

Our focus is purely dictated by our belief in considering more than just the symptoms that you are experiencing. Health includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual components. It's our goal to help people in the best possible way by treating the whole person, not just their condition or symptoms.

Core Values:

I Initiative - we do the right thing even when no one else will know
N Noticeable Teamwork - we have a strong work ethic with clear communication
T Tenacious - determination to find you answers that you deserve
E Excellence - we go above and beyond the average experience
G Great patient experience - we give 110%
R Reliable - you can count on us all the time
I Inspiring - we encourage you with both words and actions
T Teachable - we are on top of the latest research to get you feeling better faster
Y Your Personal Growth - we encourage life time learning

We Proudly Sponsor:


Compassion International

Our ministry is focused on the individual child and his or her development. We are unashamedly and singularly focused on developing children. Each child we serve is ministered to personally, and each church partner we work with tailors its programs to meet the specific needs of the children in its community.

We exist for the one. The one child who is left on the side of the dusty road to beg each day his parents can’t feed the family; the one child who has to walk many miles every day for water and cares for siblings because her parents have died from AIDS; the one child who dreams of being a doctor but has no access to an education. We are advocates for children in poverty. And we commit to holistic child development — developing minds, bodies and spirits.


World Vision

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

We work in nearly 100 countries, serving all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. We believe in a full solution to poverty and injustice. We provide emergency assistance to children and families affected by disasters and conflict, partner with communities for long-term solutions to alleviate poverty, and advocate for justice on behalf of the poor.  Motivated by our faith in Jesus Christ, we serve alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people.

Schedule Your Appointment Today:



The information and material provided are for educational purposes only and any recommendations are not intended to replace the advice of your physician.  Nothing contained on this web site should be construed nor is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment.

Dr. Kevin Augustine is licensed by the Pastoral Medical Association (PMA) as a Doctor of Pastoral Science & Medicine (PSc.D) to provide PS&M services to health-conscious individuals seeking natural, scripturally-based approaches for addressing chronic health conditions. Dr. Augustine’s services are provided to individual clients pursuant to the PMA Practitioner-Client “Agreement for Wellness Services.”  If you have a complaint about our services or you wish to check the status of our license, you should contact the Pastoral Medical Association.

Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with your medical doctor and is not intended as medical advice.  You are encouraged to seek advice from a competent medical professional regarding the applicability of any recommendations with regard to your symptoms or condition.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.  

Health Solutions Plus and Dr. Augustine do not diagnose or promise a cure for any condition. The DNA UPrint System Was Developed By Dr. Augustine And Is Not A Genetic Tes.  It is important that you do not reduce, change or discontinue any medication or treatment without consulting your physician first. The information and recommendations provided on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are provided for educational purposes only.    

As a PMA licensee, Dr. Augustine does not practice conventional medicine. More specifically, he does not examine, diagnose or treat, or offer to treat or cure or attempt to cure, any mental or physical disease, disorder or illness, or any physical deformity or injury; Dr. Augustine does not recommend, prescribe, or recommend changing dosage or discontinuing any prescription medications or pharmaceutical drugs.  Dr. Augustine encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.