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Low Thyroid – What to do next

Whether you have been diagnosed recently or been living with low thyroid for years, you probably realize how frustrating this journey can be.  Most people who I consult with continue to tell me of the struggle to try and convince their doctors to order more thyroid lab tests besides just TSH or free T4.  The stories go on and on…”even my endocrinologist won’t order these tests”  To me, it just doesn’t make any sense.  There comes a time when you need to fight for what is right and what you deserve.

low thyroidHere is what to do next if you have been diagnosed with under active thyroid.  Read up on the side effects of Synthyroid or Levothyroxin.  Find out whether you have the most common form of low thyroid, Hashimoto’s.  If so, you need to find the cause of this autoimmune condition.   Blood work does not give you this vital information.  If you do not have an autoimmune condition, you will probably start to feel better in 4-8 weeks.  If symptoms persist past this point, there is a good chance that you have Hashimoto’s.  You can take our 1st step quiz that will help you identify what other systems in your body are being affected.  Just fill out your name and email on our main blog page.  We offer this for free with an access code that we will provide to you ($75 Value) as a way to get the right information into your hands so you can make the best decisions about your thyroid symptoms.