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Are You Miserable Living with Hashimoto’s Thyroid?

Here is a question from our facebook page…..

Do you feel Miserable Living with Hashimoto’s Thyroid?


“I take levothyroxine and have to have the meds upped every 3-6 months and still feel terrible all the tlow thyroidime. I get sick at the drop of a hat. I am goi g to my Dr tomorrow to ask if we can change my meds. I am just down right miserable. I have hashimotos and hypothyroidism. I am taking 150 of the levothyroxine and have been sick 3 time with already since the first of the year with a stomach thing.”


Having had your medications upped  every 3-6 months tells me this is not a simple thyroid problems.  There is much more going on.  What peaks interest is the autoimmune portion because that will not change with thyroid medications.  So it’s like getting 50% of the problem fixed and all the symptoms you are experiencing are coming from the 2nd 50%.

I have seen this over and over.  Most patients will tell me that they continue to take more and more medications yet feel no different.  You really have to find the cause or trigger to the autoimmune attack.  There could be a link to your stomach as well.  It’s not a surprise that when your immune system has more demand put on it, it will “break down” more often. Thus, you get sick.

If you are looking for some help, take our first step quiz that will start to uncover the triggers and causes of your problem.  There is no reason to suffer like you have been.